Wednesday, September 19, 2007


There is a crack down on Carnies by local officials. Apparently some of these people are convicted felons. I knew that guy working the teacup was not staring at my ice-cream cone. Those ppl that work those things are pervy pervs!

I guess it's official now. MACY'S, the last one standing of the big department stores in what was city center will be closing in November due to "poor sales perfromance." I am really surprised they stuck it out this long. I just hope they put their homewares on some serious discount. The obvious question is: what are they going to do with City Center? My question is why can't we bring a Whole Foods there. If you attract "young professionals" with 10year tax abatement with ridic priced condo's why not offer something lucrative to these businesses? If a Whole Foods opened up downtown, I just might make my 'rents buy me a perm place downtown. The equation is sooo simple: Whole Foods + Sephora + a lotus type lounge=traffic. At least I think so.
Columbus based Max&Erma's is considering selling the chain after 3Q loss. "Any time you're talking about your capital structure options, (a sale) is always a possibility, but it is just one of 15 options," CEO Robert Lindeman said. Note this guy is only 39! The exiting CEO(Todd Barnum) was 65. Max & Erma's Restaurants Inc. (NASDAQ:MAXE) runs 77 locations in nine states and franchises an additional 23 restaurants. The company in its fiscal 2006 recorded a loss of $579,000 on $180.3 million in revenue.

1 comment:

Pinkie said...

Yeah this is really bad news for the city center. I'm not sure what they are going to do but they need to come up with a plan real quick!
