Thursday, September 06, 2007


(these girls are students from Seton High in Cincinannti,OH)
Two interesting articles in the New York Times today: The first deals with the issue of charitable donations among the rich. It's not about the amount that is doanted but rather how the donation is spent. Although they are in a class of their own with the wealth they have ammassed, the logic behind their tirade is understandable. If i gove an organization X amount of money and they take 50% of that to compensate "administrative duties" then there has to be a change. {Read More} of the article and state your opinion. What major organization besides The Ohio State receives big $$ donations. I wish they would donate more to the homeless cause.

The other story was on those that donate their hair to Locks of Love. Turns out it's a small operation and the hair does not entirely got children with cancer but rather people suffering from alopecia and hair loss disease. I didn't know that! They end up chuckign some of the hair they receive and make altrusitic people feel like they are doing it for attention. I think Locks of Love needs to make people aware of what they do and how they go about distributing people's hair. Article

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