Thursday, August 09, 2007

Haters wanna HATE, Lovers wanna love

This is kanye's response to Beanie Siegel calling him out on how he dresses. Siegel then went on to make the declaration that he thinks that West is a homosexual and that he should “come out of the closet”.
West first responded to the attacks by Siegel on a separate radio interview. (vid courtesy of smack dvd)

50 cent is selling the ginormous house he bought from Mike Tyson a while back and rumored to be looking to purchase a pad in...Atlanta's tony Buckhead area. Why? maybe to be closer to a special someone(ciara?).

Jack White and Karen Elson welcome a new baby boy-Henry Lee White

Commons new album Finding Forever debut at No1 this week

Whiskey tango Spears does like her lollipops. Apparently these are "special" pops. She got hooked on ones laced with weed a while back and now she's moved up to one laced with a drug stronger than morphine. It's called fentanyl citrate and its prescribed to treat sever pain in cancer patients. Nothing like a little bit o that to amp up the craaazy factor.

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