Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ok so this whole Gov. SPitzer/Emperor's club/$4300 for a hooker is just G-D ridiculous! augh.

Me: I can't believe he did this, I just want to see one of these wives just lose it during these embarring press conference
Dad: ummm they made a vow "For better or worse"

This just got to me. He also made a vow to stay faithful to her. How is it that these women put up these unnecessary façade. He was caught red-handed like the rest of the jerkoffs out there.I mean seriously, how hard is it to keep your penis in your pants. How embarrasing this must be for anyone especially one that was profiled in Vogue as having an idyllic marriage and portraying the perfect family picture. We all aren't perfect, that's what makes us human but damn, some things that are avoidable should be. I swear any day now a Columbus politico is going to be outed.
The Smoking Gun has the transcript of the investigation HERE

Enjoy this Cheaters clip cause this is what these wives need to do

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